Thursday, May 27, 2010


Seems like i'm 2 weeks behind when i'm really 2 weeks ahead.
28 Tomatoes in the ground.
Still to plant: 30 tomatoes.50 peppers,artichoke & cardoon seedlings.
Brussels sprouts.
Last but not least:cukes & squash.

peas 4th of June

peas have blossoms

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Took a chance and planted pole bean seeds today.
Emerite,rattlesnake,merango romano,purple pod,saving my last few fortex
for sure warm temps.
Also put out a few cardoons & 1 artichoke.
Fava beans went in Monday,probably a little late. 
Super leggy tomatos are in the breezeway hardening off.
Okra & peppers still under the lights.
Hops have sprouted.
Peas are about 6" tall.
Carrots kale,beets swiss chard,lettuce all doing well.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Planted nugget hop rhizome last sunday.